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Fire Prevention and Public Education

The goal of Lake Chinook Fire and Rescue's fire pevention and public education is to reduce life and property loss in the neighborhoods we serve. by conducting an aggressive proactive approach to fire fighting. Programs to accomplish this include, defensible space education, fire restriction education, fire & life safety education programs, wildfire risk assessment and preparedness and evauation plan reviews.

Fire & Life Safety Education is responsible for efforts aimed at increasing public awareness in methods of reducing injuries, death and property loss.

Home Risk Assessment and Education

Lake Chinook Fire and Rescue will help you assess your home's risk.

Schedule a FREE wildfire risk assessment with a representative of the Lake Chinook Fire Protection District at
541-629-8911 or email info@lakechinookfireandrescue.org

2) Help Set Goals

Use the results of your personalized wildfire risk assessment to set realistic risk reduction goals for your family. If you need help prioritizing put your ABC's first by implementing projects that...

* improve Accessibility to your property,
* clear fuels from the Border of your home
* Cover your home with fire-resistant materials.

Learn more about Defensible space>>

Preparedness Education and Evacuation Planning

Wildfires can occur without warning and quickly spread. The final step to being FireWise involves developing a wildfire emergency plan for your family, pets and livestock in case an evacuation is ordered for your neighborhood. At a minimum an evacuation plan answers the questions...

* What will you take with you?
* What will you do with your pets and livestock?
* How will you communicate in case you and your family members are separated?
Learn More at Wildfire Preparedness > >

Lake Chinook Fire and Rescue Protection District is offering a free evaluation of properties within the district to assess the risk of wildfire. These evaluations are done by an ODF certified Forestland – Urban Interface property evaluator.

The evaluations will help property owners determine what fuels reductions or fire prevention measures should be taken to help protect their property against wildfire.

The evaluations are quick and simple; they generally take less then a half an hour to conduct. The evaluator will make suggestions on how you can better protect your property.

Call today for an appointment to schedule your free evaluation. You can contact the fire district at 541-629-8911 or email info@lakechinookfireandrescue.org.